Community of Garfield Assoc.
Contact: Lacen Workman
Meeting: Scheduled every 3rd Sunday of the month.
The Community of Garfield Association is involved in projects such as, town beautification projects, enhancing town life and encouraging local business. They are in charge of the May Day Celebration and Christmas Starlight Parade. Please consider attending a meeting or volunteering.
Garfield Parks and Recreation
Contact: Cande Hasenoehrl
Meetings are the third Wednesday of each month, starting at 7 P.M., at the Community Center and open to the public.
The Parks and Recreation also oversees the Garfield Pool. For pool information, please visit their Facebook page at: Garfield Pool
American Legion Post 24
Contact:, 509-635-1300
The American Legion Post #24 is located at 112 E. Main Street in Garfield and hosts the Community Meal and Garfield Food Pantry. The hall is also available to rent for special events.
Community Luncheon Schedule HERE.
Garfield Food Pantry
Contact: Patty Cottrill 509-338-5661
Commodity distribution for anyone that is in need of food assistance and lives within the State of Washington. Distribution is the last Thursday of each month from 3-6 P.M., at the American Legion Hall in Garfield. CDC Guidelines will be followed during distribution. For more details and distribution dates, please click here.
If picking up groceries for a family member or friend, please fill out this form and bring it with you.
December Distribution is December 19, from 3:00 - 6:00 P.M.